Voices of the Year is a longstanding SHE Media initiative that celebrates culture-shifting creators and the incredible work they’ve done in their respective fields. Blissful.To shine a much-deserved spotlight on the many achievements made by Black women game-changers, Chase Sapphire, VIBE, and SHE Media have teamed up to honor its five Voices of the Year ( VOTY), launching on Juneteenth. On the bright side he's now quite willing to listen and drop input into my long explanation of the inner workings of a Vera Wang formal gown I'm altering for a friend!Whoever you are when you're single will carry right through into marriage. I don't understand (or frankly even care about!) 90% of what's in the magazine - but it really helps me nod and smile and stay interested while he discusses cars. I got him a subscription to a big car magazine and over lunch I'd skim through it. Today I soak up the game right along with him (until I fall asleep, because motherhood is exhausting!). When we were first together we kind of had a “this is guy stuff” and “this is girl stuff” mentality divided out - and frankly, I did find it boring! Then one day he drew out how a football game works step-by-step.

Right he just might be thrilled if your face lights up when he mentions a big name in his interest! For example, my husband is majorly into cars and American football. But being able to avoid a blank stare when he brings up “guy topics” helps!Solution: Flip through a tech magazine - or a car magazine - or a hunting magazine - or a sports magazine. You don't have to be an expert in fact, he probably wouldn't want you to be. Right yet, you don't know his specific tastes - but that's okay! If you have met a potential Mr. If you can both truly enjoy a date without the candles or music or atmosphere-induced vibes you've got a good foundation going!Guys really enjoy talking to a girl who gets them.

(Picking up trash, helping sort donations, repairing a fence, whatever area your interest lies in!) Make a picnic together - bring takeout to the park - have a laundry folding party. Is it impossible to spend time at one or the other’s home doing mundane daily things? Then try volunteering together serve meals in a homeless shelter, volunteer at a pet shelter, or get in touch with a community agency to find hands-on work you can do. Going out for the express purpose of spending time together is vastly different from chatting over a pile of dishes!Solution: If you begin to date, seek to be creative in your dates. Learning to sacrifice a little now helps greatly during that newlywed stage!Dating doesn't actually mimic marriage. Discipline yourself to pick up your laundry and put it in the hamper when you just want to fling it on the floor and crash. Form habits you can take with you into marriage! Set the alarm a little earlier. That's what a good marriage is - give and take, sometimes sacrificing your wants for theirs, working when you don't feel like it, paying the bills when you want to buy Michael Kors bags instead, putting down the phone to talk to each other.Solution: Work on developing character now.

You will not magically fall in love with sacrificing - nor will your future spouse. And I know he is planning something special for Valentine's day.But, to be honest, I am so upset about his unwillingness to celebrate our first date-versary, that I don't really want to celebrate Valentine's day, and I don't see what's the point in doing so.Am I being petty here? Should I just let go and celebrate Valentines day with him? Or am I right being upset at him for his lack of compromise? What is the best advice that a married woman can give to a single girl?

He was very thoughtful last year and would randomly bring me flowers and be nice to me. and I told him to choose a date and he just refuses.The thing is that I know he is not anti-romantic. I even got him a magazine subscription (which I thought would be a great small gift that would keep on giving for a whole year) and he was off at work but refused to celebrate it.He said at some point that if we were to celebrate our anniversary then it shouldn't be our first date. He said he's never heard of that before and he thinks anniversaries are just for married people.I explained several times that it was important for me, that I wasn't expecting anything big, just to get together and have coffee would suffice. I got very frustrated a few weeks ago because he refused to celebrate our first year anniversary. it has been a roller coaster but he is still in all my thoughts of the future.He is very weird, I get a feeling that he loves me sometimes and sometimes I don't get that vibe.